Using PCC markers to help facilitate impactful coaching conversations.

Coaches working towards an accreditation with the International Coaching Federation are working to understand and incorporate eight core competencies into their coaching practice. 

The Associate Certified Coach (ACC) accreditation (or Level 1 training) focuses on the minimum skills requirement set out by the ICF under each competency.

At Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level, coaches are working towards a set of "PCC Markers" for each competency.

Coaches focusing on their Associate Certified Coach (ACC) accreditation (or Level 1 training) can benefit from observing markers from the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level. At Stellar Conversations we share the PCC markers from competency 3 (Establishes and Maintains Agreements) and competency 8 (Facilitates Client Growth) to  support coaches in training to facilitate powerful conversations with thinking partners. 

In this video recorded for people working with us in their ICF mentor groups we share the PCC markers and how they can help coaches at ACC level to have more powerful coaching conversations.


If you would like to watch this video with captions please click here. 

If you would like to know more about our Coach Mentor groups for ICF accreditation, click on the button below. 

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"I had the pleasure to work twice with Emma: first as a trainer, where she took a group of coaches along the approaches and tips of group coaching and facilitation. Then, as my coaching mentor in my journey towards my ICF accreditation.

Emma is one of the most authentic persons I have worked with and her modelling this makes you feel safe and free to express yourself, explore and grow. She brings her experience and knowledge but in a way that is inviting and is actually helping you to learn. I'd recommend Emma 100%!"


Christos Papaioannou

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