Group Coaching and Facilitation - 20th Sept 2024 9:30am - 1pm

£180 (inc VAT)

Our Stellar Group Coaching and Facilitation training has been developed for people with prior knowledge of coaching skills as Continued Professional Development.

This ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited training is for those who want to facilitate open and purposeful dialogue with groups of people. It is for people who value great conversations and supporting others to move forward. 

You'll learn the foundational skills for facilitating groups using a coaching approach. You'll gain insight into group dynamics and spend time exploring what you need to think about to create inclusive and equitable spaces. 

This training is all online in two parts. 

Part 1: Self paced learning

A library of recorded sessions will be made available to you on signing up to the programme. Here you will watch / listen / attend five hours of learning units focusing on Group Coaching

  • What is Group Coaching.
  • The skills of a Group Coach 
  • Trust and Psychological Safety and how to cultivate it with groups
  • Introduction to Group Theories
  • Action Learning Sets 

Part 2: Experiential Learning

Here we come together live in the online training room. A mix of teaching, group discussion and experiential learning, delivered in a warm and welcoming environment. We will share the learning from Part 1 and spend half a day together practicing our group coaching skills using an Action Learning methodology.

Learning Outcomes:

  • An understanding of what small group facilitation using coaching skills is, and how it differs from other approaches
  • An understanding of the skills required to facilitate Groups with a Coaching approach
  • An awareness of group dynamics
  • An understanding and ability to facilitate Action Learning Sets 

On signing up and agreeing to Ts and Cs you will receive an email with details of logging into our learning portal. Pease remember to agree to receive emails relating to the programme.

£180.00 GBP

Participant Enrollment Agreement - Group Coaching and Facilitation 

Thank you for joining us on our Group Coaching and Facilitation.  We want it all to be clear for you so please read over The Terms and Conditions of the training before committing.

This is an accredited (ICF) online hybrid training, teaching you to facilitate small group coaching using an Action Learning approach.
The training takes place in two parts 

1: Self paced learning

A library of recorded sessions will be made available to you on signing up to the programme. Here you will watch / listen / attend five hours of learning units focusing on Group Coaching. The self paced recorded delivery counts towards your hours of training and accreditation.


  1.   Live online on Zoom. The live training is a mix of teaching, reflections, and experiential learning. Links for the training will be emailed to you once you sign up and again 48 hours before the training. 

You are expected to have a charged device that will enable you to fully partake in the training. This might be a laptop, a large tablet or desktop. A phone will not be acceptable. You are also expected  to have privacy on training calls for practice coaching and for the privacy of fellow participants.

Duration of Access: You will have access to the self paced delivery on an ongoing basis for a minimum of two years from signing up. 


Termination of Access: Access to the portal can be terminated immediately on any violations of terms and conditions.


Refund Policy 

Please note we do not offer refunds for this training. Once payment is made and access to programme materials is granted, fees are non-refundable.

It is always requested that your behaviour towards others is open minded and respectful. Stellar Conversations Limited will not be held responsible for the behaviour or actions of any other course participant. Should your behaviour be deemed offensive or inappropriate Stellar Conversations Ltd reserve the right to remove you from the training with immediate effect.

Training Specifics 

It is your individual responsibility to apply what is shared and taught to your own circumstances both during the training and afterwards. Everyone is unique, and their starting position and commitment is unique to them. The aim is that during the training you will have new information, strategies and techniques and have more clarity and confidence in facilitating Coaching with an Action Learning Set approach.

Whilst previous participants of Stellar Conversations training have made strides professionally and personally, it is not possible to provide any guarantees that you will experience specific results. Failure to engage with the training will limit your ability to benefit from the information provided and may limit any results.

Whilst the training is focused on growing your coaching skills, the material and conversations that take place can cause emotions and insights to arise, at no point should you delay in obtaining input from health professionals if you feel that is necessary.

Please be aware that the sessions are delivered entirely in English and no translations are provided for videos or text. Captions are provided.


The aim for this training is that you should be able to access the course material with ease. Should you require any support in respect to accessing the training then please email [email protected] and will do what we can to help.

In usual circumstances you will receive a reply between Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm. We aim to respond to you within twenty-four hours if you email during those hours.


This training is accredited with the International Coaching Federation. You will receive ICF certificate with 8 CCEU.


At Stellar Conversations we encourage full attendance to training. We recognise that illness can prevent attendance. For training purposes where hours are included on certification, attendance is mandatory. If you can no longer attend booked live training and with a minimum of forty eight hours notice we can try and move you to a different training date but this can’t be guaranteed. You can receive part certification from the self paced units. 


We may cancel a session on at least 24 hours’ notice to you or at any time in the event of circumstances outside of our control. If we cancel a Session, no fee shall be payable for such session, and we will re-schedule the session at the earliest mutually convenient time.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Your privacy and protection of your personal data is important to us. 

Personal information such as email addresses are gathered to enable a professional service to participants, and to keep in contact and maintain records. The information processed may include personal details.

What you say in training, coaching and mentoring is confidential. No information will be passed by us (Stellar Conversations Ltd) to third parties without your express permission. The only exceptions are

  1. a)   If we were seriously concerned for your safety, or that of another person. We would always seek to discuss it with you in the first instance
  2. b)   If we were required by law to do so 

Protecting your personal data

Stellar Conversations Ltd is committed to ensuring that your personal data is secure. 

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office


Please be aware that some training sessions may be recorded, and your name and image/video may be captured. The recordings of the training will be kept for trainer development purposes IF everyone on the training is in agreement.

Should you not wish to be recorded please ensure that if you attend any training your camera is switched off and your name field is changed to “Attendee” with your initial so that support can still be offered but no personal identifiable information will be captured.

Sometimes participants and trainers might share screenshots via social media so again should you not wish to be identified please ensure that your camera is switched off and your name field is changed to “Attendee” with your initial so that support can still be included but no personal identifiable information will be captured. For more detail on how we manage your data you can view our privacy policy here

Intellectual Property

You will be provided with some programme materials. At all times, even following completion of the programme, the intellectual property rights and copyright connected with those materials remain with Stellar Conversations Limited. You have the right to use the materials as learning tools, but you are not permitted to duplicate, imitate or provide copies to third parties whether for free or as part of a sale.

If you have any feedback about the programme, please do share it. Evaluation is always welcomed. Complaints should be made to made in writing to [email protected]


We will be available by email Monday to Friday out with holidays.

We aim to respond within 24 hours during the hours stated. Emails won’t be read during breaks.

We intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions in respect of the training delivered to you. These written terms shall constitute the entire agreement between us.

If any provision or part-provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part- provision shall be deemed deleted. Any such modification or deletion shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these terms and conditions.

These Terms are governed by the laws of Scotland. 

Terms and conditions may be updated over time and users will be notified of these changes via email. 

Stellar Conversations Ltd

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